The Cambridge Roundtable on Science and Religion

Event Details

The Science & Religion of Origins, Theism, and Atheism The Secrets of The Roundtable: Everything You Always Wanted to Know about The Roundtables but Were Afraid to Ask, with Co-Chair David Thom, Chaplain, MIT

April 23, 2014

Cambridge Roundtable on Science & Religion Coordinator David Thom address three topics:

The John Templeton Foundation: We won a grant! Now what?

The Science & Religion of Origins, Theism, and Atheism

The Secrets of The Roundtable: Everything You Always Wanted to Know about The Roundtables but Were Afraid to Ask!

Before dinner, Dave will explore the might and myth and mire of Templeton funding that begins in the fall.





Over dinner, discussion will focus on two New York Times “The Stone” interviews (provided below) featuring Alvin Plantinga, emeritus professor of philosophy at the University of Notre Dame, former president of both the Society of Christian Philosophers and the American Philosophical Association, and author of “Where the Conflict Really Lies: Science, Religion, and Naturalism” and Louise Antony, professor of philosophy at the University of Massachusetts at Amherst and editor of the essay collection “Philosophers Without Gods: Meditations on Atheism and the Secular Life.”

After dinner, Dave will invite responses related to the Templeton grant; answer what you always wanted to know about Templeton and The Roundtable but were afraid to ask; and ask if the science and religion of origins, theism, and atheism would make for interesting roundtables in the future.