From Fake News to cheating on taxes: How good are we? Why do any better? Wake Forest A. C. Reid Professor of Philosophy Christian B. Miller
February 12, 2018
Please be our guest February 12th, 6 to 9pm at our Cambridge Roundtable on Science and Religion at the Harvard Faculty Club as we discuss From Fake News to Cheating on Taxes: How good are we? Why do any better? Weighing insight from science and religion. Our evening will feature Wake Forest A. C. Reid Professor of Philosophy Christian B. Miller, author of The Character Gap: How Good Are We? (Oxford, December 2017) Most of us would say that we may not be saints, but we are still honest, kind, and mostly trustworthy. However, hundreds of recent studies in psychology suggest, says Professor Miller, that character flaws prevent us from being as good as we think that we are: in a group of bystanders most of us will do nothing if someone cries for help - but often we will selflessly come to the aid of a complete stranger. Why this strange difference? Much depends, argues Miller, on cues in our social environment. Join us for the evening as we explore together what our character really looks like given current scientific understanding.